6,194 coronavirus recoveries

The number of accumulated  cases of Coronavirus  in Panama reached 9,867 on  Tuesday May 119 day 72 since the first case was confirmed confirming the first case of COVID-19 in Panama.

 the National Epidemiological Surveillance System reported 141 new cases 3,055 people are in home isolation, 682 in hotels, 337 are hospitalized, 267 of them are in wards, and another 70 are in intensive care units.

281 people have died and 6,194 patients have recovered.

Some 51,815 tests have been carried out one of the highest per capita rates in the world. the   There were  4,164 cases of people aged  20 to 39;

(4,164), 40 to 59 years old (3,345), 60 to 79 years old (1,189) and over 80 years old (225)