Panama scientists stem cell reseach in virus war

Scientists from the Gorgas Institute (Icges) are carrying out a study that seeks to give preclinical indications of the effectiveness of the use of stem cells as a treatment for patients with a respiratory syndrome caused by Covid-19, as well as to counteract the inflammatory cascade and stimulate lung regeneration in patients.

Mairim Solís, a scientist from the Icges Research and Technological Development Directorate, said that the preclinical study is in vitro , that is, the stem cells of the placenta from pregnant women with the disease are isolated, and in the laboratory (not in humans) the effects of the new coronavirus on the function of these cells are studied.

In addition, Panamanian scientists are seeking to know whether there is also vertical transmission – from mother to child – of the new coronavirus, as occurs with the Zika virus and SARS-CoV-1.

The Gorgas study is one of the 6 research protocols approved by the National Committee for Research Bioethics (CNBI), of the 20 that have been presented. Another therapeutic study approved a few weeks ago was the use of convalescent plasma for patients with Covid-19.