Panama registers 33 killings in 14 days

The tcountrywide   quarantine has not slowed gang executions with  33 homicides  in the first to two weeks of May mostly with firearms

The most violent sectors are: Panama, Colón, San Miguelito, Panamá Oeste, Chiriquí, Herrera and Los Santos.

Panama Oeste ranks first with the murder of 10 people, including the discovery of three bodies of fishermen in Chame and the execution of four men on a roadside  in El Chumical, Arraiján.

Panama followed with 8 murders; Colon 5 s San Miguelito 4; Los Santos 3; Chiriquí 2 and Herrera 1.

The authorities link  the executions to territorial wars  between   narco-trafficking rival gangs

Criminal lawyer Carlos Icaza, said  that currently there is no  working strategy  for the authorities to combat the events, as criminals already know where checkpoints are located, especially now during quarantine and they take  other routes