OPINION:  The “new normal” needs clarity

Between confusion and doubts the reopening of the economy started. This is the face of the new normal, loaded with questions that the government has not yet defined. What are the indicators that determine that progress is made from one phase to the next or that, on the contrary, it is reversed back to the total quarantine? This cannot be at the free will of officials who, however well-intentioned, seem to be subject to improvisation. How was it established that an activity belonged to one phase and not another?

It is not understood that education is in phases much later than that of religious cults and sports activities. And this explanation corresponds to the authorities. The reopening must be guided by scientific evidence and by the socio-economic importance of the permitted activities. Common sense says that there are compatible sectors that must work in coordination.

The State has made an impressive effort to confront the pandemic and victory cannot be claimed until an effective vaccine or treatment finishes defeating it. The new normal requires that the government be clearer in its message – LAPRENSA, May 13