OPINION The Missing New Normal Road Map

Citizens have been left in a vacuum after the long-awaited announcement last night, the one that promised to disclose the Road Map that will lead us to the new normal. The only thing that became clear at the conclusion of the press conference is that we will remain confined, indefinitely.

The government’s lack of transparency is a mistake, either because it refuses to share the true schedule with the population or because it lacks a clear strategy.

The population has been subjected to one of the most severe confinements on the continent for weeks and demands that they be treated with respect, clearly, that they be informed with maturity, as the vast majority of this country has behaved, and not as scolded children those who cannot be told the truth. The Road Map indicates an ambiguous path, without direction or goal, lacking information and hope, while keeping a population confined, without even being able to go out in the sun or exercise. Panamanians have supported all government guidelines, paying a huge personal, family, labor and social cost. But gentlemen, patience runs out-  LA PRENSA, May 11