COVID-19 gets  embezzler moved from jail to home

The Superior Court of Appeals of has confirmed a move to houses arrest for a term of three months in favor of former director-general of revenue Luis Cucalón, who is serving a sentence of 96 months for embezzlement and corruption of a public official.

At a hearing held on Monday, May 11, the Court of Appeals deemed it prudent to grant Cucalón the house arrest measure, after determining that he suffers from an obstructive pulmonary disease that requires specialized medical treatment.

Among the considerations of the judges ruled  the measure is consistent with the recommendations made by human rights organizations, that, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it is recommended that those deprived of liberty with chronic diseases be benefited by measures of house arrest

Ángel Calderón, a lawyer from Cucalón, said that the measure was accepted by the magistrates of the court when it was verified that the health of his client is compromised by multiple ailments that warrant daily monitoring by doctors.

Senior anti-corruption prosecutor Zuleyka Moore opposed the request made by the defense of Cucalón, arguing that there was no certification from the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences about his state of health.

Cucalón was sentenced on September 14, 2018.

He had dodged trial for two years by staying in Panama’s most expensive hospital. Details of his alleged illness were not revealed.