Panama moving towards ‘new normal’

Panama is on its way to the “new normal”  fight against  COVID-19is paying off The transmission infections that occur from one case, that is, the Rt, has decreased to 0.98. Last week it was 1.15. Meanwhile, the reproductive number per number of deaths is 0.58. Both averages are below 1, which is optimal reports  Ministry of  Health  epidemiologist Rodrigo De Antonio, and  cases are doubling every 20 days compared to every two or three at the start

The increase in the time in which duplication occurs is encouraging since in epidemiology the ideal is to report for more than 10 days. A week ago, cases doubled every 17 days, and at the start of the outbreak every 2 or 3.

Health Minister ,  Rosario Turner said that the first goal was achieved, which is to reduce the speed of contagion of the virus, and that now comes the second, which is to avoid a new wave of cases, which will depend on the application of measures hygiene and physical distance.

Turner said  that protocols are being worked on to return to the “new normal”.

The projections that the Minsa had from March 23 to May 2 showed a dramatic scenario, since between 24,017 and 122,474 cases of Covid-19 were expected, and between 240 and 1,224 deaths. The scenario as of May 2 was 7,090 cases and 197 deaths.