OPINION: Easing quarantine without corruption

UNTIL NOW, and having as a reference to the behavior of the new coronavirus in the rest of the world, Panama has done quite well. Measures have been taken in time, and in many cases in advance, to mitigate the advance of the pandemic. No country was prepared, much less Panama.

 However, a scientific team took over the disease, with relative success, while the political team has had serious deficiencies, including, with the smell of corruption, in measures to mitigate the economic impact that the health crisis has left so far. It is obvious that it is time to start executing those measures that an economic committee has recommended overcoming the consequences.

 But it is also the time to do it based on scientific criteria, without attending to individual interests, political or otherwise trying to influence or pressure those who must make those decisions. The moment is critical: to open or not to open. Hopefully, our politicians will make the best decisions, or else what they have done so far could well be irretrievably lost. We already have enough with the lack of criteria in handling the political issue at times like this – LA PRENSA, May, 4