The viruses of poliical theft and greed

By Rolando Rodrifguez B – La Prensa
When one believes that the imagination of a politician does not give more to negotiate with the silver of the State – our silver -, the reality slaps us. The pandemic brings the world to its knees and, when we get out of it, many of us will be poorer, others richer, including some politicians, aided by “businessmen” who have seen the greatest disaster in the world in recent decades as their opportunity to bulge your pockets, with the insane certainty that we are ignorant, unable to differentiate between a purchase and a robbery.
The truth is that I wish there was a vaccine against an evil that has eaten the world since man rules over others: greed, that very powerful engine that today operates the government’s purchasing machinery. There are stories of heroes, disinterested people who are leading the way in this war, while stark politicians are protecting themselves in the rear, like scavengers on the lookout for money from those who fall or are about to fall.
They have not given truce, nor by mercy. Humanitarian aid – scarce and poorly organized – reaches the friends and family of politicians first. What is left over, to those who gave the vote, and if something remained, then it may reach the neediest. There are exceptions, but the first is so abundant that one concludes that it is the rule. Then there are those who, through accomplices, steal the money that the government has borrowed – and that we will all have to pay – to face what President Cortizo baptized as the “virus of death.”
And, before our worst scenario, there are the miserable ones: those who foment chaos and restlessness to become the “heroes” of the pandemic. They make up their petty targets with incendiary speeches that applaud the bankruptcy of companies; they destroy third-party reputations as long as theirs prevails, which shines like gold, but purulent and putrefying.
Yes, there are diseases that are worse than the coronavirus, which infect and destroy the soul, which infect those unwary who already suffer from chronic ills: such as ignorance or insensitivity. They criticize, but their hypocrisy reveals the conscience of a sociopath, the personality of the opportunist, blind by their exacerbated self-centeredness. So are some of our most illustrious pandemic “heroes”.
The world will change after this tragedy and I hope that some have understood the scope of the most stupid phrase with which these white-collar thieves are justified: “he stole, but he did”. That stolen silver is what we need today for people who don’t have anything to eat; it is the money with which some get richer, profiting from the miseries caused by the virus; it is the nectar that corrupted yesterday, today and tomorrow. I sincerely hope that necessity has resurrected the conscience of those who insist on living and rejoicing in the world of the absurd.