Prosecutors will continue probe of ventilator and other pandemic buys


The resignation of Juan Carlos Muñoz as vice minister of the Presidency will not halt  the investigation Opened by the  Public Ministry (MP) determine if there was a crime related to the purchase of 100 hospital ventilators for over $48,000  each said  Panama’s   Attorney General the  Eduardo Ulloa. on Tuesday, April 28.

According to Ulloa, the MP has a constitutional and legal obligation to carry out investigations from the moment he receives news of acts of possible commission of a crime.

The Attorney General reported that, for two weeks, he has asked officials to redouble their efforts so that state resources are managed transparently in the midst of the pandemic.

The MP Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office is in charge of the ventilator probe and in principle, the facts that are given along with the documentation will show which officials would be linked to the case.

He said  that other investigations have been opened such as the purchase of masks by the National Assembly, a contract from the Mayor’s Office of San Miguelito, the distribution of medicines by the Social Security Fund, among others.