Coronavirus testing  surges to 26,642

The COVID-19  death toll in Panama reached 165 on Sunday, April 26, while  241 new cases brought the accumulated number of infections to  5,779 reports the Ministry of Health. (Minsa)

 Lourdes Moreno The head of Epidemiology of the Minsa, reported during the daily press conference that there are 4,906 patients in home isolation, 1061 of them are in hospital hotels while 251 are in  wards and 88 in intensive care units.

369 people were listed as recovered after laboratory tests and 2,455 clinically.

 Moreno said that 1,242 new. tests have been carried out bringing the total to 26,642.Of the total tests, 20,344 were negative and 6,298 positive. To date, 6,227 tests have been carried out per million inhabitants.