OPINION; Populism fed by poor education

OPINION; Populism fed by  poor education

A ghost runs through the world: the specter of populism. The COVID-19 pandemic has sparked the worst instincts of demagogues in the north and south, xenophobes in the east and west, and, of course, manipulators in our yard Deputies from all sides encourage the class struggle and popular resentment, blaming the greed of companies for the condition in which a part of Panamanians lives. The people are trying to cheat with magical moratoriums, turned into free money, that solves everything. Of course, there are bad entrepreneurs who have looted the country, however, this does not explain everything. History and economy tell us something else. The legacy of a mediocre education, together with administrative centralism and an economy excessively concentrated in international services, they have generated a lot of inequality and exclusion.

 Panama would not be better without the banks, airlines or multinationals that have invested here. What will make us better, more prosperous, and with much less inequality is a good education, a lot of work, and an honest government. That truth is kept silent by populists. – LA PRENSA, Apl 22