Curing Panama’s other ills

It is a month since the first case of C0VID-19 in Panama was officially confirmed. Life has changed for us all. Nobody in their right mind could predict this scenario. The health authorities have demonstrated vigor and a capacity for work that we are proud of. Fatalities, intensive care patients with mechanical ventilators, and

those isolated in hotels remind us of the high cost of this disease. The pandemic has publicly exposed social inequality and inequity in access to public services in our country. Thus, almost half of the population survives day by day, while the entire country faces great uncertainty about how and when the health emergency will end. The answer is still in our hands. With strict compliance with absolute quarantine, hand washing and the use of the mask, when possible, we will stop contagions. The great solidarity between neighbors and compatriots is key for us to succeed in this challenge. Panama has everything in its favor to overcome this health crisis by far and begin to cure other national ills –LA PRENSA, Apr 9