April  critical  month in fight against “death virus”

April  will be a critical month in the fight against the “death virus” COVID-19  said Panama President Nito Cortizo on Wednesday, Apr. 8 in an online conversation with local journalists 

Cortizo asked the population to understand that this is the death virus, so he insisted on following  the recommendations to stay home

 As the number of confirmed cases zoomed to 2528 with 63 deaths, Cortizo warned that the peak has not been reached and April “will be a difficult month, a complicated month, a critical month.” and demanded that the population follow the health recommendations.   

The president did not offer an estimated date about  the flattening of the curve, containment or decrease in the number of infections  in the  country/ tha

He affirmed that the decisions that have been made, have been made with the health team, with professionals of the highest quality in Panama and staff of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). “We listen to the scientific evidence and quickly take action,” he said

He referred to the Panama Solidarity Plan that involves the delivery of a food bag and the Solidarity Bonus, to 1. 3 million  Panamanians.

Panama flag

The only flag of this plan is that of Panama… not of any political party, they align themselves or they leave the program…there is only one program, not two and the flag is that of Panama, ”he said.

“I do not want anyone, representatives, deputies, or mayors with any political sweater; Whoever does that is totally excluded from the plan, ”he warned.

He insisted that he will not allow a plan of this nature to be politicized that  “This is not going to last a month or  two months, this is going to last much longer, and you have to manage resources.,”

Cortizo said that things have been done well, but said that this is not enough “because there is nothing written about the behavior of the coronavirus which has killed, some 80,000 people in the world. “Unfortunately in our country, people are going to continue dying. People must understand that this is the virus of death