5,500 new investigations in March include pandemic crime


In the midst of the war against the coronavirus, the fight against crime continues and in March The Public Ministry headed by Attorney General, Eduardo Ulloa, various prosecutors offices across the country opened 5,500 investigations.

“The Public Ministry has continued to open criminal cases, ordering and carrying out the essential investigative acts to prosecute them, as well as bringing people related to various criminal acts before the competent courts, since the doors of the institution have been kept open at the national level, in the offices destined to provide primary care services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, ”said Ulloa in an April 6 press release.

Data collected by the statistics department of the Public Ministry shows that the crimes that had the highest prevalence in March are those related to robbery, theft, scams, and damage (2,222 cases). Domestic violence (1,286 cases), while for crimes against life and personal integrity, 843 investigations were opened.

Pandemic crime

The Public Ministry is also carrying out processes related to the violation of article 308 of the Penal Code, which says that whoever violates the sanitary norms adopted by the authorities to prevent the spread of disease will be punished with sentences of 4 to 6 years jail. And if it is a contagious disease, the penalty could reach between 10 and 15 years in prison.