Over 2,000 Panama hotel beds for coronavirus patients

The evaluation of 200 coronaviruses, patients with mild and moderate symptoms is underway for transfer to Panama hotels that have made over 2000 beds available to health authorities.
The director of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health (Minsa), Lourdes Moreno, said that a criterion to take into account is that the patient has other diseases that compromise the immune system. Most of the patients that will be taken to hotels reside in the metropolitan area of Panama City, where the largest number of cases are reported, such as: San Francisco, Juan Díaz, Parque Lefevre, Bella Vista, and Betania
The protocol
The Minsa has already established the protocol for the care of patients with mild coronavirus in hotel facilities to “guarantee the strict isolation of positive cases of the disease to prevent the spread to close and susceptible contacts; and safeguard individual and collective health at the national level, avoiding the spread of the pandemic,” More severe cases will continue to be treated in hospital facilities.
The protocol specifies which staff will attend to patients, the specific functions of hotel staff and the handling of confirmed cases.
The director of the Social Security Fund (CSS), Enrique Lau Cortés, reported that some of the hotels that are collaborating with this plan are the Decapolis and the Crown Plaza and Bern Hotels & Resorts a made two of its hotels available to the Government.