Coronavirus cases climb to 86 including four doctors

The number of confirmed cases of coronavirus in Panama by  Tuesday afternoon, March 17, was  86  with an increase in hospitalized patients to 14 says the Health Ministry, (Minsa).

Of the confirmed cases, 71 are isolated and quarantined at home with mild symptoms. It is also important to note that only one fatality remains.

At the beginning of the press conference on Tuesday, the Vice Minister of Health, Luis Sucre, reported that a citizen in the district of La Chorrera, in Panama West, was sanctioned for not respecting his quarantine. Epidemiologists are tracking his contacts.

Sucre stressed, that people must comply with their period of isolation, which is generally 14 days.

The Gorgas Commemorative Institute has carried out 1,245 tests of which 86 were positive.

 in the province of Veraguas, two cases of Covid-19 have been detected. One resides in Soná and the other in Santiago.

It was also revealed that there are four doctors affected by the virus and that one of them was infected during his work and the others during their daily activities.

