School closures follow one death and 7 confirmed coronavirus cases

Coronavirus has killed one person and there are seven more confirmed cases in the country, two of the, in intensive care and 66 under surveillance said Panama’s Minister of Health, Rosario Turner at a Tuesday, March 10 evening press conference.
Schools in one sector have been closed, events drawing crowds and elective surgeries canceled.
the deceased was the director of the Monsignor Francisco Beckman College, Norato González who suffered from diabetes, had been affected by bacterial pneumonia that was later associated with Covid-19.
He died on March 8, the same day a 40-year-old Panamanian woman returning from Spain was confirmed as the country’s first case.
Of the other sick people, two. – teachers from Beckman School- are in intensive care- The rest of the patients remain in their homes, in stable condition.
Another 66 people are under surveillance, all linked to the eight confirmed cases.
The Ministry of Health ordered classes in public and private schools suspended, from March 11 until April 7, in northern and central Panama, and in San Miguelito
The Ministry also ordered the suspension of fairs, horse racing, concerts, sports activities and any other event that involves the gathering of people.
Turner said that the Gorgas Memorial Institute has reagents for up to 1,500 tests on people suspected of being infected and instructions have already been issued to acquire another batch of reagents.
Call for calm
The director of the Social Security Fund, Enrique Lau, said there at least 150 units to care for patients who require assisted breathing because of the virus.
He asked the population to remain calm since 70% of those with the disease are mild cases 25% moderately and only 5% reach a critical situation.
The World Health Organization on Monday that, of over 80,000 cases confirmed coronavirus in China, 70% have recovered and been released.
The Ministry reported that they are monitoring eight direct contacts of the woman on the Iberia flight.
42 people who had contact with a 55-year-old Panamanian, who was in France, Madrid, the United States and Cuba; are under follow-up.
a 29-year-old Panamanian who traveled to Colorado, the United States, and Cuba, had direct contact with one person.
Another 45-year-old Panamanian from Spain has had contact with four people.
A 49-year-old Panamanian with no travel history, but maintained contact with 17 people. It is a case similar to that of the deceased teacher r, who also had no travel history outside the country.
The Minsa said that patient number six is a 59-year-old Panamanian who traveled to Puerto Rico and New York.
The seventh case is a 35-year-old Panamanian who traveled to the United States.
Earlier, the Social Security Fund (CSS) decided to suspend until further notice elective surgeries in the main centers of the capital city.