Metro redoubles disinfection against virus spread

Panama Metro will redouble its cleaning protocols in trains and facilities This, following the guidelines and recommendations of the Ministry of Health (Minsa) for the prevention of Coronavirus (COVID-19).
As part of the measures adopted, the Metro has proceeded to change the cleaning products (disinfectants) for those recommended by the Minsa and has reinforced the cleaning of the trains twice a day.
In addition, it will now have cleaning crews at each terminal station on lines 1 and 2.and will intensify the cleaning of the contact surfaces (handles, reloading machines, turnstiles, etc.) in the stations and the rest of the facilities.
In a press release, the Metro explained that the personnel in charge of cleaning its facilities has also received induction by qualified personnel on how to protect themselves when performing the work.
Some of these actions included that Metro personnel working in the operative part were trained by the Minsa to know about prevention measures and how to act in front of people who may have symptoms of respiratory diseases or suspected cases of Covid-19.
Likewise, the network has arranged for alcoholic gel units in staff work areas. Internally, the Metro has reinforced the prevention measures with the rest of the collaborators, the information has been placed in informative murals so that these recommendations are taken into account.
These actions and the future they implement will be announced through the screens and audios on trains, social networks of the Metro.