OPINION: Transport authority favors  vested interests

With an impudence of other needs, the Transit and Land Transportation Authority (ATTT) on Carnival Friday suspended the power of digital platforms to receive cash payments. In an open challenge to the decision of the Supreme Court of Justice, which considered the restrictions against the platforms discriminatory, the ATTT not only content with conspiring with the transport unions against consumers, but it also issued a contrary regulation, taking advantage of a clarification of the sentence filed in this case. The intentions and motivations of the ATTT are transparent: its aim is to please the vested interests of the transport sector. With this goal, everything goes. Thus, this phenomenon is repeated in a multiplicity of state institutions, who are hostages of a multiplicity of interests entrenched in public administration. With the abundant economic resources available to Panama, and an entrepreneurial population very capable of achieving great purposes, the country is doomed to underdevelopment, because entities such as the ATTT betray it. – LA PRENSA, Feb.28