Cinta  Costera closed   for Carnival jinks

Panama’s Cinta Costera totally closed at  noon on Friday, Feb 21 to   February 26

The partying in the capital start at 8:00 pm with the coronation of  Carnival Queen  Julia Marina López Leong and her princesses Alina López and Melany Ruíz.

There will be security devices at the public entries and exits and during Carnival days, some 20.000 National Police (PN) officers will be deployed in 45 points in the country, where activities are scheduled.

Major Arcelio Pérez, PN chief of planning, said surveillance will not be neglected in red area, spas and transport terminals.

Pérez said that during the Carnival the entry of street vendors, sale of stick meat, alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, lighters, and pyrotechnic fires, firearms, and sharps, glass containers, and coolers will be prohibited.

Immoral acts will be prohibited on artistic stages and grounds in  which events are held