OPINION A gauntlet challenge for comptroller

The Supreme Court of Justice has been reiterating the constitutional power of the Comptroller General of the Republic to audit the use of public funds managed by the deputies of the National Assembly.

 First, the Court ruled that the Assembly should provide information on the use of its budgetary items. In a ruling released on February 10, the Court determined again in favor of the Comptroller that could audit the 080 [forms. Without this shortcut and with all the support of the law on your part, the comptroller, Gerardo Solís, must audit the expenses of item 080 [staffing] of the deputies in the past period.

 This could face him with some of those who chose him, but precisely this challenge will prove his independence. The last decade was a period of much legislative corruption since the deputies rented their seats to favor initiatives of the president in office, in exchange for substantial rewards.

Now, Mr. Comptroller, you have a clear path to demand accountability on the funds of all Panamanians. We hope you proceed without further delay. LA PRENSA, Feb 17.