Panama’a quarantined  students return home Sunday

The quarantine period of  72 scholarship students who arrived in Panama from China on February 2 is drawing to a close and they will return to their homes, on Sunday. February  16  according to Health Minister Rosario Turner. 

The students  were divided into two groups one  at the headquarters of the Civil Protection Service (Sinaproc) in Panama Pacifico and the other  ​​northern Panama, where they  been in  isolation and under medical observation as a preventive measure against coronavirus.

They were  originally located in a school in Pacora but were moved after protests by local residents.

Turner said “It has been a difficult task, they are young people eager to be at home, to integrate into society; but we have done our best, not only for their protection, but also for the community. ”

He also added that no suspected case of coronavirus (covid-19) has been reported within Panamanian territory, but without denying that some 1,500 travelers from China who have fever symptoms are kept under surveillance.  

El covid-19, denominado así por la Organización Mundial de la Salud, ha cobrado la vida de 1.380 personas hasta ahora; mientras que se reportan 63,500 contagios confirmados  según los últimos datos de la Comisión Nacional de Sanidad de China. 

Los informes detallan que solo ayer jueves se dieron 121 decesos a causa del virus, y han sido dadas de alta 6.700 personas tras superar la enfermedad.