Corruption and public debt threats

The risk rating agencies have begun to indicate that the level of indebtedness of the Panamanian State is disturbing. In 2019, public debt increased by more than 5.5 billion dollars, that is, the equivalent of the Canal expansion, or almost three lines of the Panama Metro.

The horizon we face requires responsible action by the political class. The options left to the government of Laurentino Cortizo are obvious: reduce public spending, with less payroll and less populist subsidies, and increase the income of the State in a sustainable way, which means more taxes and better collection. The route chosen must be accompanied by the strengthening of the fight against corruption, and the improvement of the public procurement regime. Every penny stolen, Lost or squandered is a stab at the finances of the State and the heritage of all Panamanians. It is time for the State to civilly sue national and international companies that made fun of everyone, and also that the best habit of all is encouraged: savingsLA PRENSA Feb.8