Judges reject 3 Martinelli slander complaints

Former president Ricardo Martinelli who has fattened the wallets of his team of lawyers with a shower of multi-million-dollar lawsuits against individuals since his acquittal in the illegal spying on opponents case (currently under appeal).  got a triple whammy from judges of guarantees on Friday, February 7.

 The complaint of slander and insult, filed against the lawyer and radio commentator, Mariela Ledezma was archived and a  judge ruled that there was no crime in a complaint against Annette Planells of Movin. A complaint against Roberto Eisenmann, founder of La Prensa, met a similar fate.

Planells recalled that these cases are related to comments made by both commentators in interviews and social networks.

While in office Martinelli gained notoriety for his Trump-style personal attacks on individual journalists.

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