Ministerial firings-first step against crime and corruption

The decision of the President to dispense with the services of his Government and Public Security ministers – visible heads and heads of national security – is a message that is received as a first good step to face the rising tide of crime and corruption that face the country. 

However, it is only the beginning, because neither a minister nor a uniformed person can solve the problems of such enormous complexity, such as crime or corruption inside and outside the security institutions. Public policies are needed in which the whole country must participate; It is necessary to measure and make decisions based on results and not based on political harangues. For years, presidents have appointed uniformed or ex-military officers in positions that were once occupied by civilians, thinking maybe that being knowledgeable about security issues could solve this problem. The main consequence has been erratic policies that have allowed it to become worse.

 Mr President, this country belongs to all its nationals, not only to the party in power. And for more good intentions and knowledge that the new designated have, they, by themselves, will not be able to solve this crisis. –  Hoyporhoy LA PRENSA, Feb. 5