OPINION: Picking the Public Pocket

In 2015, the then Comptroller General of the Republic, Federico Humbert, suspended additional payments to alternate deputies who were appointed in some other State institution or municipalities.

In a decision of the Supreme Court of March 13, 2019, and released more than 10 months later, it supported the actions taken by the ex-comptroller and makes it clear that in our constitutional order, the general principle of compensation of public servants is limited to a single salary.

It is a real shame that the Supreme Court took more than 4 years to define the answer to this judicial questioning, since its effects on the deputy deputies will be effective as of this sentence. The precedent is established so that the current Comptroller General will continue with this effort to avoid abuses with the resources of the State and other precautions enjoyed by deputies and other senior officials. For example, the appointment of the same officer could be controlled on several boards of directors, which implies that he must disregard his obligations, both in his main position and in the directives of which he participates. The defense of state assets must be a permanent struggle. – LA PRENSA, Jan. 30,