Repeat sex crimes teen behind bars


A young male adult who was ordered to receive psychological treatment after posting videos of himself molesting women in shopping malls is now in preventive detention after being accused of a fresh offense of libidinous acts involving a girl under 12.

He was previously prosecuted for the crime of gender violence after the videos went viral on social networks.

 San Miguelito Prosecutor Virginia Escobar, requested the  provisional detention from  Judge of  Guarantees, Yarabí Quijano.

Escobar requested the provisional detention measure because the accused represents a danger to the community and has incurred a repetitive action.,

which instead of ceasing is increasing, being the second time the victim is a minor. The latest incident occurred two weeks before Christmas, when the accused, violently grabbed the

victim, squeezed her hard and smashed her against a wall to then carry out the crime. The facts were reported by the victim’s mother who provided a video of the incident.

The accused has  a precautionary measure of reporting, for psychological treatment and not using any electronic communication equipment.