Panama Beach project consultation delayed

The citizen consultation on Mayor José Luis Fábrega’ s  $120 million project to bring  reaches back to Bella Vista and Calidonia  has been moved back

Initially it was  reported that the consultation would take place on Monday, February 17, four days after the start of Carnival..

But on Tuesday. January 21 – via social networks – it was announced that the consultation will now take place on Wednesday, March 11 at 5:00 pm at the Gladys Vidal Theater, in the Hatillo building.

The consultation is carried out in accordance with the Decentralization Law.

On the beach revitalization project, the Mayor’s Office of Panama must make another citizen consultation, this time in relation to the study of environmental impact, category 3 , which is mandatory for the development of the project. It has faced opposition from some citizens who believe the money could be better spent.

The recovery15 works will cover 1.8 kilometers, from the Matasnillo River to the Seafood Market, and the artificial beach will have sandbanks 10n km offshore.