Mayor’s office seeks to extend license plates to five years

The Panama Mayor’s Office is seeking to extend the validity of vehicle license plates to five years.

Deputy Mayor Judy Meana said  the measure seeks to have the plates delivered, at least, every five years, and not annually as at present .“The mayor (José Luis Fábrega) is in talks with The Chapala Vocational Center so that the plates are not changed annually,. This will contribute to reducing environmental pollution”, said Meana. The vice said that negotiations also include seeking substitute income for the school that works with children at social risk that are remitted by juvenile courts.  They make the license plates and that represents the main economic income that it uses in its program of rehabilitation of the young people.

The Ministry of Social Development and the National Secretariat of Children, Adolescents and Family. and  The Mayor’s Office of Panama annually distributes around 700,000 plates and this year budgeted $3.5 million for their preparation.