Challenges ahead for the Canal

We celebrate – with abundant and justified reasons – the twentieth anniversary of the transfer of the Canal to Panamanian hands. Since then, our people have received more economic benefits than in the entire history of the road under the United States administration. In addition, for years, Panamanians managed to modernize several of their operations and facilities, including their successful expansion. Nothing fills us with more pride than seeing each one of the plans elaborated to maintain the commercial validity not only of the Canal, but of the route. But the challenges are far from over. Making the Channel a source of alternative and complementary businesses is another objective of the current administration, while simultaneously Alternatives are sought to meet the growing demand for water in the operations of the interoceanic canal and the needs of the growing population of the metropolitan area. To this, we must add efforts to counteract the effects of climate change, which can become risks for the existing route, as well as for the operation of the current Canal. Now is the time to celebrate, but without forgetting that we have responsibilities ahead.-LA PRENSA, Jan 1.