Trump’s tariffs  asdd to Boeing woes says Airbus

The commercial director of the European aeronautical constructor Airbus estimated on Wednesday, December 18  that there is a relationship between the tariffs imposed on the group’s imports into the United States and the difficulties of its American competitor Boeing.

“I see a direct correlation between the fees imposed on Airbus and the problems our competitor has,” said Christian Scherer, commercial director of Airbus, at a telephone press conference.

The American Boeing company is going through the worst crisis in its history with the immobilization of its 737 MAX model, after two fatal accidents that killed 326 people.

The of Donald Trump administration began in mid-October to apply punitive tariffs of 10% to European airplanes, with the endorsement of the World Trade Organization (WTO), in retaliation for subsidies agreed to Airbus.

“Import tariffs in the United States are a serious problem, mainly for our clients”, since they “concern the importer,” said Scherer.

“About 40% of our supply chain has US roots, direct or indirect, and therefore taxing Airbus is an act that will very quickly have a boomerang effect on the North American economy,” he warned. , remembering that Airbus “has one, and soon there will be two, assembly lines in the United States.”

The United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) said it would not authorize the 737 MAX flight when the company was waiting for the green light of the authorities.