Designated Attorney General urged to prevent impunity terminal illness


Eduardo Ulloa, Panama’ s new Attorney General  will be faced with at least 78 high profile cases  involving insiders  close to the bone of previous administrations.

 He  will be responsible for preventing impunity from taking root among Panamanians “as a terminal illness,” says the  Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama (Cciap) .

He  has a special responsibility because in his sphere of action there are cases that have to do “with issues of great sensitivity for the State and the public interest.”

 Ulloa , is called upon to complete, the “high-profile investigations to identify those responsible and, above all, prevent impunity”.

The position of the Cciap  voiced on Sunday December 15 one day before the National Assembly Credentials Committee meets to ratify  the recent appointments made by the Executive Branch, among which  Ulloa as the new attorney general stands out.

On Tuesday, December 10, the Cabinet Council, in addition to approving the designation of Ulloa as a replacement for Kenia Porcell , endorsed the appointments of Javier Caraballo as alternate attorney and Monica Castillo as alternate Administration attorney.

“With the appointment of a new attorney, the Executive Branch completes a cycle of designations that are expected to be transcendental in the field of the administration of justice in the country,”  said the Cciap members.

They added that the way in which the designations of Ulloa and the three new magistrates of the Supreme Court of Justice have been produced “sets a precedent that can hardly be ignored by following rulers.”

It confirms that when “there is political will and personal determination” it is possible to respond to the general interest.