‘Play games   and you’re out’ warns president

Amidst growing concerns about irregularities in recent public contracts and lack of transparency in some government institutions, President Nito Cortizo issued a stark warning on Thursday, December 12.

“Whoever tries to play games  with the resources of the State is out .” The resources of the State are sacred… and there is no room for playing games.” he said  during a community work His words were given where the ruler made a community work tour yesterday in Palmas Bellas, Colón

He issued the statements on the same day that it was announced that the National Charity Lottery, directed by Gloriela Del Río, declared “confidential” data, such as the name, ID and province of the lottery book holders, and citizens criticize two direct contracts recently given by  Urban and Home Cleaning Authority (AAUD).. One for $5 million was for the rental of 73 trucks for a year, and another for $2.5 million to wash the vehicle fleet daily for one semester.

The last washing contract is in the eye of the storm. The company All Multiservicios S, A, was hired for the daily washing of 73 vehicles for six months, equivalent to $35,267 for each truck reports La Prensa.

Last weekend, the Ministry of the Presidency announced the cancellation of the direct purchase of eight drinking water generators for a cost of $2.1 million. This decision was taken one day after La Prensa published a possible cost overrun of $ 1.3 million in the purchase. The contract would have been signed by the Vice President and Minister of the Presidency, José Gabriel Carrizo.

The Presidency, according to the contract, was going to pay $250,000 for each generator. La Prensa’s investigation revealed that it cost the company $16,531 to import each of the pieces of equipment.

 The secretary of the National Council for Sustainable Development (Conades), Luis Ramírez, announced that the contract was being canceled and the purchase of the generators would be opened to tender. The purchase was to be processed with funds from the Conades.

Cortizo also announced that in January 2020  he will submit his team to an evaluation.