OPINION:  A constitutional leadership role

The process if constitutional reforms has regained its course. On the one hand, the National Assembly began to listen to student and professional youth full of claims and proposals about the way in which the state ship is sailing.  In turn, and perhaps as a more important gesture, the President of the Republic has assumed a leadership role that had been absent.

With his support for the recommendations made by a group of jurists on the approved constitutional reforms, the ruler showed that the issue matters to him, and that it is not a mere electoral promise, but a commitment from the State.

 In the coming weeks, it will be confirmed if the presidential leadership finds a safe harbor in its legislative bench. Perhaps, if the deputies of the ruling party listen to the citizens during the legislative recess, They will finally understand the great popular revulsion they are subject to. To govern is to decide, and clearly the decisions of the president have restored calm to citizens. We Panamanians do not want shocks or constant manifestations of a discontented people. Dialogue is the best way for rulers and governed to understand and respect each other.- LA PRENSA, Nov 9.