1,500 bananas destined for  world’s largest patacón


SOME  1,500 bananas and 1,200 liters of oil will be used to make the world’s largest patacón and promote the Emberá culture.

The organizers of the event, in the community of Ipetí, in the  Emberá  Comarca on October 16 have said that beyond wanting to establish a new record preparing a patacón of more than three meters in diameter, the promotion of the Emberá culture is sought.

Sabrina Naikmar, an organizer of the event, said she wants to show Panama and the world that when there is a commitment to something, the goal can be achieved.

The patacón must weigh 100 kilos to be part of Guinness World Records and be validated as the largest in the world.

More than 200 people from the Ipetí community are required to be involved in the process on the day of the event.