Moritorium on Darien logging permits

Environment Minister, Milciades Concepcion  has declared a one year moratorium, on logging  permits in Darien where  8.1 hectares  of valuable forest are lost every day, and a National Assembly committee installed to monitor the devastation.  

The committee is chaired by  independent deputy, Edison Broce, who said that there has always been talk of Darien but a team has never been created to assess the reality related to logging.

“We cut down our most valuable forests without mercy. Since 2012 we have logged, in Darién, the equivalent of 20,000  football fields  in this province and if we do not something, the damage will be irreversible, ”Broce argued.

In addition, the deputy said that there will be consultations, citations to officials and visits to Darien, in order to gather all possible information related to the issue and prepare a report to be submitted in a month.