OPINION: Assembly collision course looms

Exactly two months ago, Laurentino Cortizo took possession. The population welcomed with optimism the speech of the new president regarding economic and social development, as well as his signs of a possible inclination towards respect for the independence of the organs of the State. With a renewed Assembly, in which 35 of the 71 deputies are co-supporters of the new president, there were no predictions of tensions like those that distinguished the last years of the previous government, when the appointments requested by the then Chief Executive opened the door to a war of low intensity that compromised the approval of important laws. But Cortizo does not seem to be immune to such a situation, not because he is facing a political break with his party’s bench, but because some deputies of that faction boost their own agenda, invading some powers of the Executive. Thus we see that, without any study of the problem or articulation with the government objectives, members of the PRD bench promote certain legislative proposals that are heading towards a collision with the policies defined by the Executive. Although the independence of both bodies could even be commendable, hopefully, these outbursts of the Assembly are a simple way to generate sporadic attention, and we are not facing a new legislative modality to be feared, and then quietly resolved at the forefront of prebends. – LA PRENSA, Sep 1