10 weekend killings send “streets are ours"  message

Common crime killed 10 people this weekend. It seems that the perpetrators have sent a message to authorities and citizens: the streets are ours. Meanwhile, in the National Police they change the name of the police units in charge of repressing crime. Each director who has had the entity has its very personal booklet to do things, believing that only with it citizen security will improve. Nothing is worse than believing you own a single solution, because security problems are entangled and it is not repression that alone will solve them. If this issue is not addressed in all its complexity, we will witness the failure, again and again, because only one of its multiple components is addressed. What do the other actors do, starting with parents and home, going through schools, government policies on these issues? This without counting on the sad role played by the Judiciary, whose sentences are an invitation to a Persian market in which custom rulings can be obtained. The security of the country is something that concerns all citizens and not just an institution. – LA PRENSA August 27