OPINION: Birth of a new Panama crusade ?

A group of civil society organizations and citizens in general, including a dozen young activists whose commitment is hopeful, has decided to raise the flag of justice and take it this afternoon to the premises of that building, which should be the emblem of the neat administration of justice, although in practice it has become synonymous with impunity, corruption, and moral collapse. It is not a partisan movement nor does it respond to a cyclical event. It is a citizen initiative that seeks to summon all those Panamanians who feel outraged and worried about corruption, impunity, the backwardness of institutionality and other devaluations that run in our society. There was a time when a civilist crusade rescued the country from the suffocation of a narco-dictatorship. Today Panama cries out for a new crusade, one that reminds public servants that they are obliged to account to the community and that the community has voices and resources to demand it. Our problems are many and complex, but it is clear that, without a reliable judicial system, there is no social peace, there is no investment, there is no democracy.- LAPRENSA, Aug 20