Panama an international laughing stock

Five years have elapsed since the Lava Jato operation in Brazil began. Far from closing the case, every day that passes, new lines of investigation are opened. In Panama, judges and magistrates, on the other hand, seem very committed to the investigated, accused and suspects, because invariably, the victims are the last priority when the accused dismiss that foul smell of corrupt politicians.

While the rotten smell is repugnant to the whole country, justice administrators seem to enjoy it. The decision to close the investigation of the most emblematic case of corruption – proven and confessed – only demonstrates how far the magistrates are committed to rot, how far they are willing to go to cover, bury and silence.

Their decisions not only make the country an international laughing stock, but they leave us as provincials in matters of justice. Not content with this, the same magistrates confirmed the dismissal of all accused in the case of the Savings Bank, among which was former Vice President Pipo Virzi.

The decision of these magistrates – who in the Odebrecht case leave the period of former President Martín Torrijos (2004-09) out of the investigation – underscores with a thick line the future of corruption cases in Panama. And all this happens when the PRD, led by Laurentino Cortizo, is just one month in power. LA PRENSA, Aug 3