OPINION: Lawmakers light $1.5 million fire

The frugality of state expenditures in times of budget containment seems to be of no importance to the National Assembly. The board of directors of this body will rent 12 vehicles for 12 months, truck type, five-door, with permanent double traction and smoked glass, for a whopping $297,500.

Why 12 trucks if there are only five managers of the National Assembly? With the salaries and prerogatives granted to members of the legislative branch,

it would be fair to think that they could use their own vehicles to travel to fulfill their labor obligations. On the other hand, this action is a mockery to contain the expense applied to the rest of the State. These funds would be used to buy vaccines, repair a school or other urgent need in the country. If the practice is repeated in the five years of the current Parliament, they will be almost $1.5 million squandered in another franchise of the legislative power. This is another impudence that is added to the payroll of $20,000 per month, to paid cell phones and to three and a half days of work per week. The deputies are still playing with fire, and turning their backs on the popular clamor.LA PRENSA, Aug 1