OPINION: Smokescreens Scapegoating Foreigners

THE DISCUSSION on the issue of migration produces a mixture of prejudices, manipulated economic data and a veiled criticism of the country’s educational system. It is true that Panama received in the last decade a significant number of foreigners who formalized their situation through the legal means offered by the country. However, foreigners cannot be the scapegoat for crime and unemployment. Our country has accumulated social spending with mediocre returns in terms of education and labor competitiveness. And Panama has the laws and regulations to face this issue, if that was the interest of the rulers. The vehemence of the proponents of the draft law on immigration reform surprises. Could it be that there is no other urgent priority in Panamanian public policies? Is the real intention to distract and confuse public opinion while reforming the Constitution or the laws of public procurement, social security or somerhing more transcendental?  Politicians, be very careful with the smokescreens because they can end up causing a fire. Panama can be much better than it already is, by adding to all those with the interest to work honestly. – LA PRENSA. July 22