More flu deaths cut hospital patient visits

The National Cancer Institute (ION), announced on Thursday,June 28 that visits will be restricted ro one relative per due to the outbreak of Influenza A (H1N1) virus and other hospitals are following suit.

To date, the Ministry of Health (MINSA) has reported the death of more than 12 people, the last of them residents of Coclé with ages of 55, 79 and 91 years. and there are another 16 patients with influenza in that province.

Through social networks, the ION has called on  the population to comply with the basic preventive hygiene measures, to  reduce the risk  of acquiring influenza and other diseases, such as vaccination against influenza in health centers and clinics of the Social Security Fund.

In addition washing your hands often with soap and water or using alcohol gel, cover your mouth and nose, when sneezing or coughing (use disposable handkerchief, or the internal angle of the elbow to retain droplets ejected, avoid unnecessary contact, such as greeting kisses and handshaking and early  attention minimizes the risk of complications.

Minsa authorities recommend that visitors to health facilities should limit their time  within the infrastructures and refrain from visiting patients in hospitals.