Failure to attend recividism  talks means loss of license


 Drivers  who fail to show up for lectures on improving their driving habits could lose their license says a directive published by the transit authority (ATTT) on Friday, June 14.

It reads : “The inspectors of the Transit and Land Transport Authority (ATTT) and of the Traffic Operations Directorate of the National Police are now authorized to retain the license of offenders in cases in which the sanction includes the obligation to attend lectures for recidivism.”

The information was published in the Officiql Gazette on Friday, June 14 in the Official Gazette, pointing out that there are 15 infractions that have as in addition to the payment of a fine, the obligation to attend lectures for recidivism. The resolution emphasizes that a mechanism is needed that persuades repeat offenders to attend the talks. After the driver has complied with all the sanctions imposed, he/she will be able to appear at the offices of the ATTT and request the return of their license.