Panama historic forts remain on Unesco  endangered  list


 The fortresses of Portobelo and San Lorenzo but by the Spanish colonists should remain on the endangered heritage list of the UN  Organization for Education, Science and Culture (Unesco ) until 2023 because  Panama did not follow through on improvement commitments.

Both fortresses, located in the province of Colon, were included on the list in 2012, due to their deteriorating state.

The recommendation is reflected in a report issued on May 20 by the  Committee, together with its advisory bodies, which will be discussed at the Unesco session in Baku, Azerbaijan, between 30 June and July 10.

The document “regrets” that the established calendar -2016-2019-, which was proposed by Panama for the full implementation of the program of corrective measures within the historic site, was not implemented correctly.

The Heritage Committee also recalled that the “tourist pressure” without planning was one of the factors that led to the registration of this colonial site on the list, which is why the country is urged to consider the improvement of infrastructure and tourist facilities in conjunction with conservation needs.

Wilhelm Franqueza, director of the Board of Portobelo and San Lorenzo, said that the improvement of the site, a plan will be executed with funds from the Inter-American Development Bank, for which the National Institute of Culture (Inac) will be responsible. She said Hthat the intervention plans of the site are already in place and are about to upload the specifications for the process of choosing the company that will restore the monumental complex.