Doorways to Panama's history

In 2019 we celebrate the 500 years of foundation of the city of Panama. This commemoration has been the best pretext to launch a revolutionary cultural initiative: the City Museum. This proposal consists of taking the exhibitions to the street, to different parts of the city of Panama, and eventually, to the interior of the Republic, to interact in a living way with the landscape and the citizen life. Thus, various exhibitions will explain the evolution of the indigenous urban settlement that existed a thousand years before the arrival of the Spaniards, to the confusing, conflictive and kaleidoscopic city that we have today. In a country where culture has not been a priority, the last week witnessed the inauguration of the Museum of Freedom and Human Rights, later of the opening of the last pavilions of the Museum of the Biodiversity, and now, the launching of the Museum of the City in its first location, the majestic building of the National Archives. Panamanians have a duty to support these projects to demonstrate to our own and strangers our thirst for art and culture, steps necessary for a better society – LA PRENSA, May 29.