OPINION: Red Devils owners caught red hande


While Panamanians enjoy two Metro lines and a fairly friendly urban transport system, operated by Mi Bus, which replaced the infamous “red devils”, one can not forget the negotiation of compensation for these public transport. Between 2010 and 2014 a total of 2,649 owners of certificates of operation of these vehicles were compensated. The compensations had a range between 25 thousand and 75 thousand dollars, according to the type of vehicle and the assigned route. The State disbursed 94.8 million dollars in the operation, which quickly became a complex web of investigations and a very long judicial case that still has no convictions in sight. Panamanian justice has shown great weaknesses, and the case of the compensations of the “red devils”, which involves politicians, businessmen and transporters alike, is a very clear example of what is wrong with our justice. It is unforgivable that, after so many years, judges and magistrates have lent themselves to the abuse of dilatory measures that defense lawyers have interposed in a generalized manner. In spite of this, it is clear that the most important lesson of this case is that opacity always favors conflict of interest and, therefore, great corruption is fostered –LA PRENSA, May 26.