US Navy hospital ship includes Panama in 11 country tour



Panama is one of 11  countries, including Colombia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic,  and Ecuador that and Panama, will benefit from the medical assistance mission to be carried out by a US Navy hospital ship. to respond to the effects of the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela says the US Southern Command.

The USNS Comfort doctors will also provide services on board or at local medical institutions in Grenada, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts, and Nevis and Trinidad and Tobago.

“This deployment responds directly to the crisis provoked by the Maduro regime,” said Admiral Craig Faller, head of the US Southern Command, in a statement released ThursdayMay 23.

It will be developed for five months and has not yet said the exact date of departure of the Comfort, which is based in Norfolk (Virginia), although it will be in the middle of June.

“The Comfort medical teams will work together with the medical professionals of the host nations who have absorbed thousands of Venezuelan migrants and refugees,” Fuller said.

This is the seventh deployment of the Comfort since 2007.

The previous mission took place between October and December 2018 in Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, and Honduras, lasted 11 weeks and helped more than 26,700 patients.