OPINION: President's sad procrastination

At the end of his administration, the President of the Republic, Juan Carlos Varela, makes one last attempt to assert his constitutional right to designate key positions in the State’s machinery. In the case of the board of directors of the Panama Canal Authority, it places on the table two solid professional profiles, especially one of them, since it is difficult to doubt the capacity or trajectory of the person who has been part of the evolution of the interoceanic road in recent years. Something similar happens in the case of the substitutes of the magistrates, since they are figures that were previously presented and about which there was no questioning. In spite of the above, given the conjuncture that the president has chosen to take these designations to the Assembly, It is not clear if he really hopes to achieve the so far evasive ratification, if only he aspires to leave the high road to the elected president, or if what he wants is to make clear the motivations of the National Assembly. The truth is that it is sad to see how things are left for the end that deserved a deep discussion and a serious treatment – LA PRENSA. May 23